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In our system of government, we select folks from among us who, working as one body, will take our needs, our money, and our dreams, and lead us into our future. We trust them to work for us as one body. This is the heart of public trust. When that trust fails, we begin anew.

As a new year opens and a new City Council begins its work, there's a lot on the table. Things that must be done and should be done to make Cape May a better place.


Before that work begins, the Cape May Taxpayers Association calls on our new Council to embrace CMTPA's only goal: "a transparent relationship between the taxpayers and their governments".

Transparency means being able to see clearly how our government is deciding what to do, not being told what they have already done.

It means an open sharing of information, full and clear explanations of the reasons for actions, the cost of those actions, and an active role in the process for the people who will be affected by those actions.

True transparency can only be achieved when both the people and their government clearly see the Why, the How and the Cost of every action the government takes in its Process of Making Policy.


That process works well when oiled by civility, compromise, and empathy, but Transparency is the key.


Toward this end, CMTPA urges Council to take the following actions:

  1. Make Council Meeting Agenda available on City Website five days prior with more detail on content of proposed actions
  2. Prohibit Agenda additions once Agenda is published on City Website
  3. Create a standard format for all Minutes of boards, commissions and advisory committees and post each on the City Website within three days of the meeting
  4. Require a Fiscal Impact Note on every proposed Resolution and Ordinance to be published prior to consideration
  5. Provide a general public comment period at the beginning of every public meeting in addition to public comments for each resolution, and prior to adjournment
  6. Livestream every public meeting of every board, commission, and advisory committee
  7. Hold more Town Hall Meetings with an open agenda and dialogue/discussion format
  8. Limit and explain the need for Executive Sessions
  9. Create a City Office of Public Information, under the supervision of the City Manager
    a. Reassign and consolidate all existing services and personnel into a unified OPI to be responsible for:

    i. City Website content, accuracy, and currency

    ii. Press Releases for all offices and departments

    iii. Weekly Council Report to the Public on actions taken and pending before Council

    iv. Preparation of all city publications and departmental websites

    v. A Monthly Police Blotter

    vi. Media Relations

    vii. Civic Affairs, Tourism and Recreational information services
  10. Reorganize Advisory Committee System:
    a. Revisit the purpose, role, membership, appointment process of each
    b. Eliminate Public Employees serving as chairs, ex officio or voting members
    c. Clarify council liaison role on advisory committees


Job 2: What Else is on the Table? 

These are the issues facing our new City Council in the year ahead. Each will have an impact on our taxpayers, our residents, and our visitors. Please give them a careful review. If you need more information or have opinions or questions on any of these, reach out to us at

  1. Revenue Study Committee
    i. Revenue Options
    ii. Cost Centered Budgeting
    iii. Fiscal Notes
    iv. Enforcement/collections
  2. Municipal Sewer and Water Utility Capital Needs
  3. 2021 Budget
    i. Revenue
    ii. Tax Increase
    iii. Clarify the Fund Balance Issue
    iv. Bonding Issues
    v. Water/Sewer Rate Increases
  4. Sewell Tract
  5. New Police HQ
  6. New FD HQ
  7. Beach Tag Policy
    i. Fee levels
    ii. Enforcement
    iii. Commercial Tags
  8. Franklin Street Library Project
  9. Lafayette Street Park
  10. ROSI Designation
  1. Post-Covid modifications
    i. Revenue
    ii. Outdoor dining
    iii. Open containers
    iv. Enforcement
  2. Historic Preservation Commission Reform
  3. Code Enforcement
  4. Tourism Advisory Committee
  5. Flood Control and Mitigation
  6. Senior Citizen Services
  7. Review of Master Plan recommendations
  8. Shared Services Agreements
  9. Affordable housing
  10. Regional Economic development
  11. Regional consolidation of public services
  12. School Funding
    i. Impact Aid
    ii. Regional District
    iii. Consolidation
  13. Fiscal Impact of the Coast Guard Base on Municipal and School Budgets

FAQ's for Taxpayers:

Who Pays Property Tax?

3977 CM Taxable Properties

2020 CM Registered Voters

How Much Property Tax Do We Pay?

2019 CM Property Tax

2019 CM Total Property Value

Who Spends Our Property Tax?

Where Do Taxes Go

Communication is the key to reaching our goal.

We need to hear your thoughts, comments, suggestions, complaints and concerns as we seek to evaluate the decisions affecting the interests of Cape May's Taxpayers.

Please reach out to us at:

Hope to hear from you soon!

Taxpayers Association of Cape May
PO Box 46
Cape May, NJ 08204
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Site Revised: September 17, 2024
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