Senator Testa to keynote on State
Issues; Mayor Mullock to review the State of
the City Budget
Following a two-year hiatus due to State
imposed Covid restrictions, the Cape May
Taxpayers Association will hold its annual
meeting on Thursday August 12 at 1PM in the
Cape May City Hall Auditorium.
State Senator Michael L. Testa Jr. will
be the featured speaker and will be
discussing a variety of issues of concern to
the taxpayers of Cape May, including school
funding and tourism.
Senator Testa represents the 1st Legislative
District which includes the City of Cape May
and has served our district since 2019. The
Senator is a member of both the Joint
Committee on the Public Schools, and the
Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee,
as well as the Judiciary and Labor
Committees. Senator Testa is a graduate of
both Villanova and Temple Universities and
is a partner in the law firm Testa Heck
Testa and White, P.A. in Vineland.
Mayor Zack Mullock will
present an overview of municipal revenues
and budgets, shared services, municipal
infrastructure needs, and planned capital
In addition, the Association will conduct
annual organizational matters and review the
status of issues affecting taxpayers.
The annual meeting of the membership is held
prior to Labor Day at a time and place and
to be determined by the Board of Directors.
Notice of each annual or special meeting
shall be given to each member either by
email or by publication, at least five (5)
days prior to the meeting.
members of the Association in good standing
are encouraged to attend and participate
with their thoughts, comments, and
Members of the public are also encouraged
to attend and observe.

In January 2021, the newly installed Cape
May City Council created the MTRAC. Council
also acted swiftly to appoint the Municipal
Taxation and Revenue Advisory Committee. The
new City Council committed to investigating
alternative sources of revenue, and to
consider new and innovative ways to finance
and budget for the provision of municipal
services, to maintain a stable tax and
ratable base, and to maintain the City’s
property taxes at the minimum level
necessary to provide those necessary
The CMTPA first recommended the formation
of this committee in 2019 to conduct a
comprehensive and objective examination of
the way the City raises and spends revenue,
and to craft progressive recommendations to
improve that process.
The MTRAC began its work in February 2021
and to date has made 5 recommendations to
the Council on a range of revenue and
budgeting measures. These include the
recently adopted increased in the Hotel and
Motel Occupancy Tax and the Occupancy Tax on
Internet Residential Rentals, these go into
effect January 1, 2022.
Also recommended were policies requiring:
- fiscal impact analysis on all
resolutions and ordinances,
- clear policies on the awarding of
employee stipends,
- negotiations with the federal
representatives to compensate Cape May
Taxpayers for the extraordinary cost of
educational services to federal
dependents, and
- the adoption of a comprehensive
ordinance governing the commercial use
of residential properties.
The full text for each of these five
recommendations is posted on the